FR 171 Campground

FR 171 Campground

Campground Overview:

FR 171 Campground is tucked away along Old Rim Rd (FR 171), behind the Mogollon Rim Visitor Center on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. Numerous dispersed campsites are scattered along the forest road under towering Ponderosa pines. Like most of the area’s dispersed campsites, all sites are on a first-come, first-served basis. Once you make the trek, you can celebrate the remoteness by enjoying a sky full of stars all to yourself. This is a great area to find a campsite on busy holiday or summer weekends.

The majority of campgrounds on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests are primitive and offer dispersed camping. You may camp outside of developed campgrounds anywhere on the Forest at no charge. Potable water, toilets, and other amenities are not generally available. If you choose to camp outside developed areas, be sure to bring adequate water or be prepared to purify any water source before drinking. No permits are required to camp in Wilderness areas. These forest road campsites, located around the Rim Lakes Recreation Area, are also a great backup when the designated campgrounds are full. This area is one of the most popular recreation areas in Arizona.

From Payson, travel east on Hwy 260, turn right into the Mogollon Rim Visitor Center. Continue to the back of the parking area, look for FR 171 towards Al Fulton Picnic Ground. A few miles down the road, past the picnic area, look for already established sites.

While the majority of the forest roads in the area are well maintained and used frequently, during snow or heavy rain, a high clearance vehicle may be required. Always use common sense and be prepared.

Campground at a Glance





Nearby City:



 Willow Springs Lake

Campground Website:

 Fr 171 Campground

Campground Map:

 Rim Lakes Recreation Area


 First-come, first-served basis


Nearby Attractions and Activities:

The Mogollon Rim (pronounced muggy-own) is a massive escarpment marking the southwestern edge of the Colorado Plateau. It’s named after Don Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon, the Spanish governor of New Mexico from 1712 to 1715. The escarpment rises up to 7,700 feet in some locations with much of the land south of the rim lying around 4000 and 5000 feet. The rim was formed by erosion and faulting and is comprised mostly of limestone and sandstone. A few large canyons have been carved into the feature with the most notable being Fossil Creek Canyon and Pine Canyon.

Rim Lakes Recreation Area is one of our favorite summertime locations in Arizona located in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. Perched atop the Mogollon Rim at an elevation of 7,700 ft and located just two hours from the Phoenix Valley, this recreational area is a great location where you can “beat the heat” and take part in a host of low-cost recreational activities that everyone in the family can enjoy.

The Rim Lakes Area enjoys magnificent weather during the summertime. From June to August, daytime temperatures typically range between 68 and 80 degrees with nighttime temperatures falling to between 45 and 59 degrees. Temperatures drop quite a bit in late September with nighttime temperatures often dropping to below freezing. July through early September marks the monsoon season in Arizona with the Mogollon Rim getting more than its fair share of rainfall.

The area is covered with thick forests of Douglas-fir and Ponderosa pine and features three man-made lakes: Woods Canyon, Willow Springs, and Bear Canyon Lakes. The lakes provide much of the area’s appeal. All three are open to boating, swimming, and fishing. Woods Canyon is the most popular and can get quite busy during the summer, especially on weekends. A well-stocked general store and boat rentals are available at Woods Canyon Lake

The Rim Lakes Recreation Area is connected with numerous trails that bring hikers around the campgrounds, lakes, and also along the Mogollon Rim. Some of the more popular routes include: Woods Canyon Lake Trail, Meadow Trail, Rim Lake Vista Trail #622, and the famed General Crook Trail #130.


Nearby Campgrounds:

Campground full or want to see what’s around? Try one of these campgrounds located nearby

Sinkhole Campground

Colcord Ridge Campground

Rim Campground

Canyon Point Campground